snorting an opana 10 is like snorting how many milligrams of oxycodone

(opioids) Opana ER Snorting
Defeating the new Opana for snorting.
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What's Average Street Price for 40mg. OOk I just want to thank bluelight and also ask a question at the same time. I was reading up and saw alot of confused responses and posts about taking it orally, Iv
(opioids) Opana ER Snorting
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snorting an opana 10 is like snorting how many milligrams of oxycodone
(opioids) Preparing new, new Opana ER for.
I became a pain patient after I fell off a horse in March of last year and sustained spinal injuries which are still VERY painful Opana ER was the first thing doctors
Can someone please help me out? Would using a razor work? And shaving it into powder then snorting? This is prolly a silly question but what if i put one into a magic
snorting an opana 10 is like snorting how many milligrams of oxycodone
10 is
Preparing the new, new Opana ER Biconvex/Biconcave pills (circular pills) _only_ for Snorting Administration Has the guide below been posted to bluelight yet? I